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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Free Power of Attorney Document

With every new will, obtain a free power of attorney document, that is right, free ($200) value!

A will is the corner stone of any estate, while a trust can do more, and is more complete. Most folks can get by with a basic will rather than an expensive trust. If you do not have a will the State will determine who gets what! The State!

If you have worked hard all your life to amass your fortune, or if you are just starting out with a family or career, there is always a good time to start, and it is never to late.

Call today for a free telephone consultation at 313-343-9930! 

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Fresh Start to a New Year!

  The Law Office of Charles L Basch II is running a winter special on all services provided.  1) Bankruptcy, chapter 7 - eliminate all your ...